Store orders aren’t working currently

The website looks a bit different because I’m working in the backend trying to fix some technical issues. It will definitely change and go up and down and look very ugly over the next 48 hours. I’m leaving it accessible though in case anyone needs the info on it about reagents and so on.

The problem: You can put items in your cart, but the payment section won’t allow payment so orders cannot be completed. Bit of a problem for everyone really! Kind of the main point of the site.

I’m working on this now and I’ll update the site and our facebook page when it’s all up and running again. From my time in the IT trenches I have a feeling this one could take a day or two to fix. It’s not looking simple at all. I might also take the opportunity to kick a few things in the backend (pun intended) while the sites down, in order to make it not do this again.