Monthly Archives: December 2015

Testing pH comparators

We’ve been quiet, but busy. We’ve taken delivery of several designs for our new pH comparators, and we are rigorously putting them through their paces. An example of one potential design is featured in the image above – you’ll notice 0.2 unit increments and bigger comparison squares. They’re not ready for sale yet, but they […]

Wow – thank you!

I have been really overwhelmed by the support we have received for this little venture, even though we are still working madly behind the scenes to get everything up and running. We really just wanted to say thank you to our customers for your business, and taking a punt on a new venture. We’re working hard to […]

How to test for Calcium Hardness (CH)

Water that has low Calcium Hardness (CH) tends to attack most pool surfaces (except vinyl pools). However, too much calcium leads to excessive scaling which can clog pipes and render salt-water generators inoperable. Therefore maintaining a balance of calcium is critically important to the long term maintenance of your pool. The instructions on the sides of […]

How to test for Total Alkalinity (TA)

Measuring the level of Total Alkalinity (TA) in your pool gives you a way to understand how susceptible your pool is to wild changes in pH. Low levels of TA will mean that the pH in your pool will be unstable. However, high levels of TA will also make it hard to maintain optimum pH, […]