If you’re unable to register an account to buy our products please email me directly and I will sort it out for you. My email is brett@ and our website address. You can also uses sales@ or contact@ and they’ll work.
The problem comes from the bots on the internet, and they spend a lot of time trying to register fake accounts on our site. So I’ve had to engage some fancy backend blocks and protocols. The latest one is a captcha like intervention. I’ve worked on configuring it so that if it thinks you’re a valid person trying to buy something, you’ll not even see it. If you do see it, it should be a simple enough click and go.
I personally like captcha I think they’re a great idea, but the amount of times recently I’ve had “how many buses are in this picture” and it shows you three buses but refuses to let you through anyway, it’s clearly having some issues. I’ve gone with a more backend hidden approach because I don’t want you to have to solve any sort of half broken puzzle to buy a kit.
I have tried to keep the security to the new registrations process. So if you’re a returning customer hopefully it’s invisible to you. Also if you’re a returning customer know that I am very happy to see you back and you make my day.
Let me know if you have any tech glitches with the site.
Thanks, Brett