2021 only has 6 weeks left in it and so it’s time for another Patent Pending Clear Choice Labs Summer Review. Can you believe it’s only been 40 years since the start of 2020 and the whole covid situation popping up on our radars? It feels like longer!
What’s coming in 2022?
- The Big Boy, Price Rises. Sadly yes. Prices will rise on January 1st on most products, and so order up before Christmas. This year everything the lab needs has gone up, and postage costs are becoming absolutely horrendous (Bring back Christine Holgate). I’ve been absorbing the costs as much as possible over the last couple years but it’s the way of things unfortunately.
2. Postage. Free postage for kits will stay, but the limit for free postage will have to be bumped up. January 1st. I’d launch into a long ramble about postage costs and companies here (and you know I can ramble if you’ve read the blog before) but I won’t.
3. Bottles bottles bottles. Seriously the new reagent bottles are so close to hitting the webstore. They’re in my garage awaiting some finishing touches to the labels and chemical composition of the reagents. Who’d have thought Chemistry would be so fiddly? Probably chemists.

Painfully Pipetting Particularly Pigmented Preparations into Prearranged Plastic Pipes is my Profession.
The new bottles bring more precision to the nozzles and drop sizes and therefore the tests themselves, and from that they make production and manufacturing of the chemicals more reliable and reproducible. Is that a long way of saying I can’t wait and I’m super excited? Correct! I’m cautiously optimistic.

4. Backend improvements that are super boring to anyone who’s not me. Seriously unless you’re fascinated by database sizing or small scale production automation it’s not that exciting. If you are fascinated by those things, we should be friends.

Thanks for making 2021 a great year – at least in pool testing land! It’s been a weird ride these last couple years, so here’s hoping 2022 cuts us all some slack from the craziness.
Cheers from the labs! –Brett