Stock shortages

Hey pool friends! I don’t have any kits right at the moment for the simply confusing reasons of a product packaging shortage and a product oversupply. I hope to have all the kits available again to buy on the weekend of the 20th of May. Total kits might be available this weekend the 13th, fingers crossed. You can still buy individual bottles if you need something, and those will get shipped out asap.

So many of you bought small kits that we were running out way before we expected to, and the lead time on getting more has come and gone so we’ve run out. Our supplier is swamped too, so I can hardly blame them. As always, selling more than you anticipate is a lovely problem to have for a small business owner but I’d really like to have more boxes to sell you stuff in.

The other reason is I’ve recently had a big shipment of stuff come in from various wonderous chemical places so I’ve got a big pile of chemistry magic to do. Normally I’d do it between putting orders out, but with this that and the other it’s too much work for one man. Even adding in the untrained terrier assistants doesn’t help, because they don’t help. They’re cute though, so they’re doing their jobs properly. So I’m taking this as a perfect opportunity to focus on getting products made and once the boxes are in, I can start shipping out again double time.

If you have any questions send me an email [email protected]

Thanks, wish me luck in the chemistry magic machine that is the Lab.
