Christmas, New Years, Pool Season, whatever you celebrate at this time of year it is definitely upon us. I want to thank everyone so very much this year for their kind words about my knee injury. You’ve all been so patient as I slowly wheeled around the Labs trying to get orders out the door.
The good news is that I’ve been officially cleared by the specialist doctor and I can walk around again. Now I’m starting physio and recovery. I’m also starting the rebuild of the Labs space, it got very rearranged to be wheelchair accessible. Now it’s 6 days to Christmas but it feels like I just finished October, it has snuck up on me at full speed.
On to the business end. For current orders – Anything in the queue on December 19th (today) will be mailed out on the 20th/21st. I’ll be posting new orders right up to Christmas Eve though so feel free to order and I’ll do my best. Hopefully Australia Post gets it to you before Christmas, or Santa will have to help out. But if you’ve already bought something, it’s definitely on its way.

Thanks Santa, I am. (Kath and Kim)
From December 22nd to January 5th I’ll still be taking orders, but they’ll get mailed out on a relaxed semi-holidays schedule. The chaos of Christmas-New Years in our house will slow me down. Also in there is a very special wedding anniversary number for me and my amazing partner, so we’ll be celebrating extra hard this year. I am a very very lucky man to have been able to build a life with this incredible woman. Twue wuv and all that.

So get your orders in and I’ll keep sending you the best kits in the country! I wish all of you the best in pools and weather this summer, and the nicest breeze on your pool days. Get in the water and have a break from the year if you have a moment, it’s really the best way to unwind. Now I’m personally off to do some hydrotherapy.
Merry Labmas and a Happy New year from all of us at the Labs.