Hello everyone, the tough decision to close the labs temporarily has been made, and comes into effect immediately. QLD is entering a lockdown and isolation period and so I’ve set my household up to stay at home for two weeks at least. With other businesses in QLD shutting down for a while, that also makes […]
It’s a rough year already for the world, but we’ll get through it by working together. To answer any concerns about getting our kits, Clear Choice Labs will: 1) Continue shipping until it becomes necessary to halt.2) Remain in email contact during any lockdown.3) Definitely be open as soon as possible after any lockdowns. On […]
Sorry about the pun in the title, I promise that is the last 2020 vision one I’ll make. I just really needed to get it out of my system. I’ve had a lot of people contact me in 2019 via email, social media and on forums. From these conversations there will often come a great […]
Hi everyone, I wanted to thank all of you for your support and amazing friendship this year. 2019 has been huge for the labs and as always we’re prepping to make 2020 even bigger. Because Christmas and Boxing Day are pretty much right on top of us, deliveries for the next 10 day period will […]
In the lead up to Christmas this year, orders will be fulfilled by a special guest, the Clear Choice Labs Christmas Elf! I have been called away for two weeks on short notice, so our extremely important Elf will be looking after the labs until I get back. What does this mean for you? December […]
Hello everyone! Many many apologies but we’re having a shortage of stock. Well I say stock, I mean bottles and boxes. I have every chemical, mixture, concoction, potion and tincture (sorry, Halloween is coming) but we were shipped the wrong bottles. Not once, but twice. So whilst all that was happening we’ve run out of […]
As mentioned in an article posted back in March, we are adjusting the prices on some items this year to account for the general rise in costs of importing chemicals, but also the costs of shipping internally in Australia. Our prices last changed in 2017. Probably the biggest change is the free shipping amount has […]
We’ve had a few questions this year about using our test kits with “mineral pools”, magnesium pools, and some other less traditional pool systems. If you have a salt water generator, or chlorinator, this information is not for you as you’re using the sort of pool we definitely test! Can I use Clear Choice Labs […]
A huge thank you to all our customers over the 2018-2019 Summer season – it was our biggest one yet and we were able to help more people than ever have the cleanest, easiest, smartest pool in the street! 2019 is shaping up to be another big year in the Labs backend. We have already […]
It’s that time of year again, by which I mean summer! Also Christmas and New Years ;) Let’s talk about shipping which is all any online shop is talking about at the momentt. Shipping Dates. Ordered by end of Dec 19th – Shipped on Dec 20th. Dec 20th – 26th – Shipped on Dec 27th/28th […]